04/07/2024 2 min 536 Italy


The city of love. Its symbolic monument is the Arena.

Walking in the streets of the historical center or along the banks of the Adige, the city of love shows us all of her wonders.

Verona shows its alternation of various dominations through its architecture: from the settlement of the Romans, to the age of commons, to the era of the Signoria of the Scaliger family until its Venetian and Habsburg dominations.

The majestic Arena is found in the very central Piazza Bra, the Roman amphitheater that for decades has hosted the prestigious summer opera season. The Barbieri Building and the Building of the Gran Guardia overlook the “liston”, the large sidewalk that follows the line of the square. The other noble buildings of this square frequented by the locals and tourists from around the world.

The House of Juliet with its famous balcony welcomes thousands of visitors fascinated by the story of Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy.

It is a pleasure to walk through Piazza delle Erbe, and mingle with the people that animate the daily city market. Piazza dei Signori with its Building of Cangrande, the Loggia of Fra Giocondo, and the Building of the Ragione shows those passing by the maximum splendor that this city once lived during the Signoria of the Scaliger family.

The Duomo is also worth visiting, this religious building is home to the famous altarpiece by Tiziano, and is not far from the Basilica of Saint Anastasia and the Roman Theatre.

Don’t miss a visit to the Basilica of San Zeno, a fascinating example of Romanesque architecture, and Castelvecchio, the ancient manor house erected in the fourteenth century by Cangrande della Scala, now houses the Civic Museum of Verona.

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