12/08/2024 2 min 559 Italy


Montagnana, one of the most beautiful medieval villages in Italy

Between the wide flat plain and in the distance the rounded profiles of the Euganean Hills and the Berici Hills, the view of Montagnana is an extraordinary sight with its grandiose walls almost two kilometers long.

Among the fortified cities of the Veneto, it is the one that has best managed to preserve its Guelph crenellated walls. Surrounded by a lawn moat, interspersed with 24 towers, the imposing ring was built by the Carraresi on previous fortifications.

But there is still a lot to see in this town which is part of the Club of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy. For example, Villa Pisani, a residence built around 1550 based on a design by Palladio, which differs from the typical country villa as it is located in the historic centre.

Other Venetian jewels are the eighteenth-century Monte di Pietà, the elegant Palazzo Valeri flanked by a palace with two splendid corolla fireplaces. The square also overlooks the nineteenth-century Palazzo della Loggia, the Risorgimento Palazzo Santini, and the fifteenth-century Palazzo Pomello-Chinaglia, while where a tenth-century church once stood, the Cathedral dedicated to S. Maria Assunta now shines, boasting an altarpiece altar by Paolo Veronese.

Among the many prestigious residences we also remember the imposing Palazzo Sanmicheli – now the seat of the Municipality – and the Palazzo Magnavin-Foratti, in Gothic-Venetian style.

After so much art and culture, don’t miss a taste of the famous Prosciutto Veneto Euganeo Berico DOP: very sweet, with a delicate aroma and a pale pink color that distinguishes it from all the others, still processed according to traditional artisan methods.

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