Vicenza, the Palladio’s treasure chest
04/09/2024 2 min 535 Italy

Vicenza, the Palladio’s treasure chest

Palladio’s treasure chest and World Heritage.

Declared a World Heritage by Unesco in 1994Vicenza is decorated with a majestic architecture signed by only one name: Andrea Palladio.

The architectural genius has left the clearest sign of his art here and thanks to Palladio; we can admire buildings of incomparable elegance today. Among these is the Palladian Basilica, there is a breathtaking view of the three squares below from the top floor, and the beautiful Loggia of the Capitan.

As a backdrop the lively city life, there are three other works by the great architect: Palazzo Chiericati, today’s Civic Museum and Art Gallery, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto, home of the Palladian Museum and Palazzo Valmarana.

Of particular value for its “dramatic” effect, is the architectural work of the Olympic Theatre, later finished by Scamozzi.

At the gates of Vicenza we find one of its most architectural symbols, the country house Villa Almerico-Capra, also called La Rotonda, famous for the particular development of the central plan that fits harmoniously into the natural setting of the Berici Hills.

The Basilica of Monte Berico is not far from the town center on the hill that dominates the city. It is the house to precious works of arts such as the painting of the Dinner of S. Gregory the Great by Paolo Veronese.

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